Saturday, August 16, 2008

Belén's Favorite Things

After our big day at the zoo, Belén had a hard time waking up the next day! She was conked out and so comfy, sleeping on her daddy's chest (Eric was fast asleep, too!).
This week with her has been a lot of fun.. She's really beginning to show more of the fun developmental things like smiling in response to us through her adorable, gummy grin. And we're beginning to discover what some of her favorite activites are.
...Like the activity gym (below). A few times each day we put her here and turn on the musical star at the top and she just dances her little legs around and flails her arms to the music. She is just beginning to reach and grab at the toys that hang down from above. She has such fun here! And when she's done (usually after 15-20 minutes) she calls for us by yelling "Ah! Ah!" And then we know she is ready for something new. We love that she is beginning to communicate with us!
This picture was taken just as she was waking up from a nap... she definitely looks like she's up to something! She actually grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over her head that way. It was just too cute to resist!

Another one of her favorite things is BATHTIME! She cannot get enough of the water! She hears the water running and she gets this look of joy and peace. Then I settle her down into the water and she is so happy, so calm. But lately, she's been getting more playful. She is discovering that she can splash the water and sometimes, she tries to kick away from me. I'm certain it is just the budding evidence of her destiny as an Olympic swimmer!

Her hair is still crazy (unless it is sopping wet, as you can see!). Eric and I have decided that it looks like of like the hair of those troll dolls that were so trendy in the 90's... :) But she's still our little cutie! Someone once told me that they believed babies needed two things to be irresistably adorable: chubby cheeks and scary hair. I think we can all agree that, according to that definition, Belén is the most adorable baby on the planet!
Another one of Belén's favorite things is the morningtime. Eric will often give her a feeding around 5:30 or 6:00 am and then they play together for a little while. Then he brings her to our room and wakes me up by laying her in the bed there with us (she usually wants to nurse). But she is just full of sunshine in the mornings. Her best smiles are always during this sweet morning time together. This time I caught her in the act!
She is definitely our little sunshine! :)

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