Saturday, August 30, 2008

Traumatic Day!

Well, I'm sorry to say that I don't have any new pictures to post this time around. But I do want to update you all about her doctor's appointment a few days ago... She had her two-month checkup (a little late... she is now two months and three weeks old). Eric and I had a little wager going about how much she weighs. I am slightly too proud to announce that I hit the nail right on the head: she weighs 12 lbs, 8 oz! She's in the 75th percentile for her weight. And in height, she is 24.5 inches long, which puts her in the 95th percentile for height. She's definitely our growing girl. After all those weeks of not gaining any weight in the beginning, I think she's making up for lost time! The doctor was very pleased with her growth and her meeting developmental milestones.

Then came the shots. OH! It is the sadest thing ever to hold your daughter's wee little fingers and hands while the nurse quickly injects her legs with three separate injections! Belén cried and cried and cried. At first, I was laughing (you know, that really inconvenient emotional reflex that rises up and causes you to react in the most inappropriate way possible to sensitive situations... Am I alone in that?)... but after a few seconds of her screaming cries, I just held her close and cried right with her. It is a terrible thing when you child hurts, even though you know it is for thier own good.

So, even though it was rather traumatic for her (and me,too, I guess!), she seems to be doing well now - all 12 lbs. and 8 oz. of her! Man, I wish Eric and I had bet something good! :) Oh, well...

Right now, we're enjoying Labor Day weekend, and soaking up my last days of being a stay-at-home-mom. Tuesday is the big day for me to venture back to working full-time. Maternity Leave has been so amazing; I feel like I needed every moment of it to acclimate to my new role and to get to know our little girl. It has been a beautiful honeymoon of sorts - where the frightful pace of everyday life mercifully slows to afford us a sweet season to bask in the newness of this parent-child relationship. It is sad to me in the same way it is sad when Belén outgrows some of her tiny newborn clothes: it confirms that life is fleeting and that we cannot cling to any one season too long - no matter how much we love it and want to hold onto it, it is time to move on. Any parent is proud to see their child grow healthy and strong... we wouldn't have it any other way. But I do not think I am alone in mourning the passage of a time that is so new and so sweet...

Silver Lining: I am truly grateful to have such an awesome place of employment with coworkers who are some of the best folks around. My heart is heavy to think that I'll leave my girl for so many hours a day but I am grateful that Eric will get to work from home and take care of her everyday. So, if you think about it, say a little prayer for us as we transition into this new season. And if you want to, send us an email - we'd love to hear from you!

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